Thursday, July 26, 2012

Volcano Erupting

This is the dream I had last night...and it fits in so nicely with the new energy that I have been feeling when I take brush and paint to paper.
 Dream: I am at the beach and just a little ways away on the horizon I see two twin volcanoes begin to erupt. It is spectacular to witness! I wonder if the ash and lava will reach me where I stand but I am not afraid. Instead I revel in the power that is being unleashed.
(These paintings were actually made during the past two weeks and reflect the work from my previous dreams.)

Heart on Fire

Volcano Exploding

Bleeding Heart

Reverse of Bleeding Heart

Star Gazing Under water

Being the Aboriginal Boy....

"My Rainbow Serpent"

 Dream: I am at a house near the water and there are three boats that I start to move to the dock so that I can go kayaking. Ellen Cooke comes by with her two children and a very small boy who is part Aboriginal. He has thick dark curly hair and comes over to sit in my lap. Peter is there as well and squats down next to the children. I ask the children if they want to go out in the boat with us. 

 The work from this dream is to forget about managing the children into a recreational activity and to just be with/be the aboriginal boy. Find out what part of me he represents. When I felt into this question I realize that he has a calm contentment with who he is..."I am who I am". There is an inner knowing of his place in the world...especially the world of the spirit. He is a "gulapa" ~ magic Nullah - the half caste
Aboriginal boy - in the movie "Australia." He moves easily between both worlds....has a kinship with all things and a wisdom that is ancient. He is innocent...full of feelings...and he loves to sing.  The drawing of "My Rainbow Serpent" is my rendition of the Aboriginal legend - The Rainbow Serpent. The meaning of the legend to me is all about transformation on a large scale. I feel that this is starting to happen in my life right now and I am in awe of the power of what this boy holds inside of me.