Hearts Merging
In the dream of going over the waterfall I am with a man who I love very much. In this dream he has a recognizable face....the character -Father Peter Clifford - the Catholic priest from the Irish TV Series - Ballykissangel. This love that I feel for him in the dream is not like any love I have ever felt in my earthly relationships. It is like I want to merge completely with him...body and soul....to infuse every one of my cells with his. To let go of my independence, my self sufficiency and my ideas about who I am and who I'm supposed to be and to be completely his. It is hard to describe and I'm not sure if I have really portrayed this merging in the drawing. It is unlike anything that I have ever felt before or even been aware of.
In the dream when I sense that by going over the waterfall we might be killed, I am frantic to find a way for us to escape. I can't bear thinking that we will be separated by death and that I will lose this newfound love that I have waited my whole life for. Something in his being....maybe it was just a look...draws me away from my scurrying about back to his side. There are just a few seconds before the boat goes over the edge ......and before I wake up...when I feel the comfort of his arms around me and I know that I can face anything with Him.
So who is Father Peter Clifford to me?
In the series, Ballykissangel, Peter Clifford is a young, English priest who has come to minister to a small Irish village. He meets a fiesty, strong willed woman named Assumpta Fitzgerald who has no liking for the church even to the point of disdain. Long story short - they fall in love and just when Peter decides to leave the priesthood and marry Assumpta, she dies in a tragic accident. He has given up everything that was hitherto dear to him for the love of this woman and then his heart is shattered into pieces. My broken heart resonated with his broken heart and I felt his pain as my pain. I think that he came as the Animus to me because of his capacity to love in the face of all opposition and to risk everything for his beloved. And I felt the same
as we stood ready to go over the falls.
without any
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