Woke up this morning with a migraine that has lasted all day....even with two doses of Imitrex.
There's this little thing that I've been doing lately when the panic feelings come with the headaches or other physical symptoms. I get into that kayak in the wild river and welcome the ride ahead. "OK".....I say......." let's see what lies ahead if I let go and just go with the flow.....how bad can it be??" In that moment of saying "yes" to the unknown I find some peace of mind and more often then not the symptoms subside and I can go forward from this homework place.
Today there wasn't so much panic when I awoke to the pain....just anger and frustration. I took
medication because I am sick and tired of laying in bed looking at those same old four walls day after day. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day....another beautiful day that I miss because of a headache. My Ayurvedic counselor said that I should start screaming into my pillow or throw some dishes. Move that anger out of my liver. Maybe if I'm headache free tomorrow I'll go outside and do some anger releasing in the woods by myself. Look for the wild girl there.
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